20 Play Testers

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How we helped Audimator reach the first public download

How we helped Audimator reach the first public download

By Huy Dao, COO and Developer advisor of 20PlayTesters LLC.

I remember that day very well. I was having lunch and Hung sent us a message. He wanted us to help publish his app on Google Play. There were just a few words in our conversation because we knew exactly what the other side had and wanted. The deal was closed in less than five minutes. Thanks to the completeness of his app, we were able to provide a bullet-proof testing result. Google Play Console Team only needed less than a day to approve his production application. And now the first product of Profile Music Group, Audimator, is now publicly available to all Android users around the globe at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.profilemusic.audimator

Why do I remember that day very well? Because of what he said right after we started the installing progress: “You are the saviors of my life”. Honestly that makes us feel much happier than all previous cases we helped during our soft launch.

Thank you very much. 20PlayTesters LLC wishes Profile Music Group all the best and hopefully we’ll have more chances to work together in the future.

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